(Telnet client is enabled by default.) In this sense, QoS is the third step in a three step process. Type configure from Privileged EXEC mode. Table 20-9 show ip pimsm interface vlan Output Details, Table 20-10 show ip pimsm interface stats Output Details. 3. This may be done to choose a particular path. Figure 10-4 provides an overview of the fixed switch authentication configuration. Neighbor Discovery Overview Figure 13-1 Communication between LLDP-enabled Devices Discovery MIB Port Device ge. Frames will egress as tagged. Terms and Definitions 9-16 Configuring VLANs. Default Settings Configuring OSPF Interface Timers The following OSPF timers are configured at the interface level in interface configuration mode: Hello Interval Dead Interval Retransmit Interval Transmit Delay Use the hello interval (ip ospf hello-interval) and dead interval (ip ospf dead-interval) timers to ensure efficient adjacency between OSPF neighbors. Most of the procedures assume that you are configuring a single switch that has not been connected to a network, and they require that you have physical access to the console port on the switch. Configuring SNMP Configuring SNMPv1/SNMPv2c Creating a New Configuration Procedure 12-1 shows how to create a new SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c configuration. The key that SNMP is looking for is the notification entry created with the set snmp notify command. Configuring OSPF Areas Area 2 ABR2(su)->router(Config)#router ospf 1 ABR2(su)->router(Config-router)#area range ABR2(su)->router(Config-router)#area range noadvertise Area 3 ABR3(su)->router(Config)#router ospf 1 ABR3(su)->router(Config-router)#area range Figure 22-3 OSPF Summarization Topology Configuring a Stub Area A stub area is a non-transit area. Connect a null-modem DB9 to DB9 cable between the computer's serial port and the switch; use serial communication settings 9600, n, 8, 1. priority Sets which ports continue to receive power in a low power situation. Enterasys Matrix N Standalone (NSA) Series Configuration Guide Firmware Version 5.41.xx P/N 9034073-08 Rev. 1.1 IP switch ge. Managing Switch Configuration and Files Managing Files Table 6-1 lists the tasks and commands used to manage files. How RADIUS Data Is Used The Enterasys switch bases its decision to open the port and apply a policy or close the port based on the RADIUS message, the port's default policy, and unauthenticated behavior configuration. 1.2 PC ge. Administratively configuring a VLAN on an 802. An authentication key has to be trusted to be used with an SNTP server. Table 19-5 Layer 2 IGMP Show Commands Task Command Display IGMP snooping information. Refer to the CLI Reference for your platform for more information about the commands listed below. Legacy Protocols If IPX, AppleTalk, DECnet or other protocols should no longer be running on your network, prevent clients from using them. - Lead implementation of Meraki APs to all offices as replacement for Enterasys and Rucku solutions. I I worked on Planning cabling, planning and configuring switch and LAN security infrastructure. 24 Configuring Access Control Lists This chapter describes how to configure access control lists on the Fixed Switch platforms. Firewalls Fortigate, Netscreen and Stonegate configuration. Fast Ethernet Switches. Start the TFTP application. Table 25-3 Setting Routing General Parameters Task Command(s) Enable or disable IPv6 forwarding. Configuring OSPF Areas 0 to 4294967295. Configuring OSPF Interfaces They do not send or receive hello packets. 6. Telnet port (IP) Set to port number 23. set sntp poll-interval value The poll interval is 2 to the power of value in seconds, where value can range from 6 to 10. Agent 802. Syslog Components and Their Use Table 14-1 describes the Enterasys implementation of key Syslog components. Terms and Definitions Table 9-3 VLAN Terms and Definitions (continued) Term Definition Forwarding List A list of the ports on a particular device that are eligible to transmit frames for a selected VLAN. Optionally, set the timeout period for aging learned MAC entries. show tacacs session {authorization | accounting} [state] Displays only the current status for TACACS+ per-command authorization and accounting. Preventing clients from using legacy protocols such as IPX, Apple Talk, and DECnet that should no longer be running on your network. Configuration Procedures Table 22-1 Default OSPF Parameters (continued) Parameter Description Default Value retransmit interval A timer that determines the retransmission of LSAs in order to ensure reliable flooding. DHCP snooping forwards valid DHCP client messages received on non-routing VLANs. Thefollowingtabledescribestheoutputofthiscommand. Alternatively, you can specify only the interface to be used to contact the DHCPv6 server and the Fixed Switch device will use the DHCPV6-ALL-AGENTS multicast address (FF02::1:2) to relay DHCPv6 messages to the DHCPv6 server. MAC Locking Response Validation When the MS-CHAP2-Success attribute is received in an access accept RADIUS response frame, it will be validated according to RFC2548 and RFC2759. 2. Note: Globally enabling 802.1x on a switch sets the port-control type to auto for all ports. SEVERABILITY. CoS Hardware Resource Configuration System(su)->set cos port-config irl 1.0 ports ge.1.3-5 CoS Port Resource Layer For the CoS port resource layer, use the set cos port-resource irl command to set the kilobits per second rate to 1000 and enable Syslog for this IRL port group 1.0 mapped to IRL resource 0: System(su)->set cos port-resource irl 1. See Procedure 20-2 on page 20-4. ip address ip-address ip-mask [secondary] 2. (Not applicable for super user accounts. Configuring Switches in a Stack, About SecureStack C3 Switch Operation in a Stack, Installing a New Stackable System of Up to Eight Units, Installing Previously-Configured Systems in a Stack, Adding a New Unit to an Existing Stack Using Multicast in Your Network Figure 19-1 IGMP Querier Determining Group Membership IGMP Querier IGMP Query IGMP Membership IGMP Membership Router for Router for Member of Member of As shown in Figure 19-1, a multicast-enabled device can periodically ask its hosts if they want to receive multicast traffic. Port Mirroring LAG ports can be a mirror source port, but not a mirror destination port. 14881000 for 10- Gigabit ports Use the show port broadcast command to display current threshold settings. Policy Configuration Example Standard Edge Edge Switch platforms will be rate-limited using a configured CoS that will be applied to the student and faculty, and phoneFS policy roles. dir [filename] Display the system configuration. For information on the command syntax and parameters, refer to the online help or the CLL Reference for your platform. Displaying Scrolling Screens If the CLI screen length has been set using the set length command, CLI output requiring more than one screen will display --More-- to indicate continuing screens. Spanning Tree Basics RSTP Operation RSTP optimizes convergence by significantly reducing the time to reconfigure the networks active topology when physical topology or configuration parameter changes occur. priority Sets which ports continue to receive power in a low power situation. When a faculty member authenticates through the RADIUS server, the name of the faculty policy is returned in the RADIUS Access-Accept response message and that policy is applied by the switch to the faculty user. Rate limiting guarantees the availability of bandwidth for other traffic by preventing the rate limited traffic from consuming more than the assigned amount of a networks resources. LICENSE. Configuring Authentication Procedure 10-2 MAC-Based Authentication Configuration (continued) Step Task Command(s) 3. In this mode, the maximum amount of power required by a device in the advertised class is reserved for the port, regardless of the actual amount of power being used by the device. Enter MIB option 6 (destroy) and perform an SNMP Set operation. Ports 1 through 5 on the switch unit 4 are configured as egress ports for the VLANs while ports 8 through 10 on the switch unit 5 are configured as ingress ports that will do the policy classification. Terms and Definitions LoopProtect Lock status for port lag.0.2, SID 56_ is UNLOCKED Enterasys->show spantree lpcapablepartner port lag.0.2 Link partner of port lag.0.2_is LoopProtect-capable. Enterasys S8-Chassis Hardware installation manual (68 pages) Pages: 68 | Size: - Time out the IGMP entry by not responding to further queries from Router 2. Thefollowingconventionsareusedinthetextofthisdocument: Table 1-1 Default Settings for Basic Switch Operation (Continued), Using an Administratively Configured User Account. A2H124-24FX. Procedure 17-1 Step Task Command(s) 1. Configuring Syslog Displaying Current Application Severity Levels To display logging severity levels for one or all applications currently running on your device: show logging application {mnemonic|all} Example This example shows output from the show logging application all command. Access Control Lists on the A4 A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list mac mymac permit 00:01:00:02:00:01 any assignqueue 2 A4(su)->router(Config)#show access-lists mymac mymac MAC access-list 1: deny 00-E0-ED-1D-90-D5 any 2: permit 00:01:00:02:00:01 any assign-queue 2 A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list interface mymac fe.1.2 in A4(su)->router(Config)#show access-lists interface fe.1.2 24-14 Port-string Access-list ----------- ----------- fe.1. Configuring OSPF Areas The virtual-link is treated as if it were an unnumbered point-to-point network belonging to the backbone and joining the two ABRs. Transferring switch configurations Using the CLI commands described in the section beginning with TFTP: Copying a configuration file to a remote host (CLI), you can copy switch configurations to and from a switch, or copy a software image to configure or replace an ACL in the switch configuration. . IPv6 Routing Configuration the MTU value for the tunnel interfaces was reduced by 20 octets, to allow for the basic IPv4 headers added to IPv6 packets. Optionally, save the configuration to a backup file named myconfig in the configs directory and copy the file to your computer using TFTP. Use the passive-interface command in router configuration command mode to configure an interface as passive or to set passive as the default mode of operation for all interfaces. It is auto configured with the cost of the intra-area path between the two ABRs that make up the virtuallink. Periodically, say every second, the sFlow Agent examines the list of counter sources and sends any counters that need to be sent to meet the sampling interval requirement. Note Do not use hardware flow control. To perform a TFTP or SFTP download: 1. Table 11-3 lists link aggregation parameters and their default values. You can also use the show commands described in Reviewing and Enabling Spanning Tree on page 15-20 to review information related to all Spanning Tree protocol activity. Enable OSPF in the interface. The system is tolerant to packet loss in the network. A typical situation occurs when a host requests an IP address with no DHCP server located on that segment. Using Multicast in Your Network unsolicited join (sent as a request without receiving an IGMP query first) In Figure 19-2, this type of exchange occurs between Router 2 and Host 2 when: (6) Host 2 sends a join message to Router 2. You can also close an active console port or Telnet session form the switch CLI. Create an SNMPv3 user and specify authentication, encryption, and security credentials. RMON Procedure 18-1 Step Configuring Remote Network Monitoring (continued) Task Command(s) startup - (Optional) Specifies the alarm type generated when this event is first enabled rthresh - (Optional) Specifies the minimum threshold that will cause a rising alarm fthresh - (Optional) Specifies the minimum threshold that will cause a falling alarm revent - (Optional) Specifies the index number of the RMON event to be triggered when the rising threshold is crossed fevent - (Optional) Specifies. Enterasys C5 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Hardware Installation Guide Adryan Ramirez Indicates that the concentration of the hazardous substance in all homogeneous materials in the parts is below the relevant threshold of the SJ/T 11363-2006 standard. set port discard port-string {tagged | untagged | none | both} 8. Table 26-3 lists the logging commands that require different user access permissions when the security mode is set to C2. set sflow receiver index ip ipaddr 3. sFlow Table 18-7 lists the commands to display sFlow information and statistics. Set to 30 seconds for non-broadcast networks. If the authentication succeeds, the policy returned by authentication overrides the default port policy setting. Since there is no way to tell whether a graft message was lost or the source has stopped sending, each graft message is acknowledged hop-by-hop. To determine if all these elements are in place, the SNMP agent processes a device configuration as follows: 1. When operating in unicast mode, optionally change the number of poll retries to a unicast SNTP server. Setting security access rights 3. set igmpsnooping groupmembershipinterval time Configure the IGMP query maximum response time for the system. Packet flow sampling will cause a steady, but random, stream of sFlow datagrams to be sent to the sFlow Collector. DHCP Configuration The subnet of the IP address being issued should be on the same subnet as the ingress interface (that is, the subnet of the host IP address of the switch, or if routing interfaces are configured, the subnet of the routing interface). Refer to the CLI Reference for your platform for command details. Refer to Licensing Advanced Features on page 4-8 for more information. You can use the following commands to review and, if necessary, change the edge port detection status on the device and the edge port status of Spanning Tree ports. Spanning Tree Basics string corresponding to the bridge MAC address. Policy Configuration Example destination ports for protocols DHCP (67) and DNS (53) on the phone VLAN, to facilitate phone auto configuration and IP address assignment. Configuring VLANs Figure 9-3 Example of VLAN Propagation Using GVRP Switch 3 Switch 2 R 2D 1 3 1 D R Switch 1 1 R 2 End Station A D 3 D 1 R D Switch 4 1 R Switch 5 R = Port registered as a member of VLAN Blue = Port declaring VLAN Blue VLANpropagation GVMP Note: If a port is set to forbidden for the egress list of a VLAN, then the VLANs egress list will not be dynamically updated with that port. Access Control Lists on the A4 A4(su)->router#configure Enter configuration commands: A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list 101 deny ip host any A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list 101 deny ip host host A4(su)->router(Config)#access-list 101 ip permit host any assignqueue 5 A4(su)->router(Config)#show access-lists 101 Extended IP access list 101 1: deny ip host any 2: deny ip host host 3: permit ip host 148.12.111. MAC Address Settings Aging time: 600 seconds Limiting MAC Addresses to Specific VLANs Use the set mac multicast command to define on what ports within a VLAN a multicast address can be dynamically learned on, or on what ports a frame with the specified MAC address can be flooded. If there is still a tie, these ports are connected via a shared medium. DHCP Configuration 1 1 Active DHCP Configuration Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for IPv4 is a network layer protocol that implements automatic or manual assignment of IP addresses and other configuration information to client devices by servers. . Enterasys Fixed Switching Configuration Guide Firmware 6.61. Enterasys Core Switch/Router Commands Enable Untagged Vlans: set port vlan ge.2.1-30 20 set vlan egress 20 ge.2.1-30 untagged reload Enable jumbo frame support: show port jumbo set port jumbo enable ge.2.22-30 Enable LACP: show lacp state <=== to discover global lacp setting status set lacp {disable|enable} C5(su)->set policy rule 1 ipsourcesocket 1.2.3. GARP Multicast Registration Protocol (GMRP) A GARP application that functions in a similar fashion as GVRP, except that GMRP registers multicast addresses on ports to control the flooding of multicast frames. Figure 15-5 on page 15-11 presents a root port configuration for Bridge B determined by the port priority setting. On I-Series only, display contents of memory card. RFC 3580s RADIUS tunnel attributes are often configured on a RADIUS server to dynamically assign users belonging to the same organizational group within an enterprise to the same VLAN, or to place all offending users according to the organizations security policy in a Quarantine VLAN. There are a couple of restrictions on the use of stub areas. RIP is described in RFC 2453. A stub area can be configured such that the ABR is prevented from sending type 3 summary LSAs into the stub area using the no-summary option. describes the following security features and how to configure them on the Fixed Switch platforms. Use the show users command to display information for active console port or Telnet sessions on the switch. Setting TFTP Parameters You can configure some of the settings used by the switch during data transfers using TFTP. The set port mdix command only configures Ethernet ports, and cannot be used to configure combo ports on the switch. Operation and Maintenance of layer 2 switch (cisco and extreme), configuration, backup and replacement. Hosts on the link discover the addresses of their neighboring routers by listening for advertisements. If not specified, timeout will be set to 1500 (15 seconds). If the running stack uses a ring stack topology, break the ring and make the stack cable connections to the new unit to close the ring. Refer to the CLI Reference for your platform for command details. set multiauth idle-timeout auth-method timeout 2. Ctrl+D Delete a character. The size of the history buffer determines how many lines of previous CLI input are available for recall. 4. 3. Use this command to enable or disable Loop Protect event notification. By default, every bridge will have a FID-to-SID mapping that equals VLAN FID 1/SID 0. @ # $ % ^ & * () ? Configuring VRRP Router 2(su)->router(Config-router)#exit Multiple Backup VRRP Configuration Figure 23-3 shows a multi-backup sample configuration. 1 second priority Specifies the router priority for the master election for this virtual router. The Enterasys switch products support the following five authentication methods: IEEE 802.1x MACbased Authentication (MAC) Port Web Authentication (PWA) Note: Through out this document: Use of the term "modular switch" indicates that the information is valid for the N-Series, S-Series, and K-Series platforms. Tabl e 147providesanexplanationofthecommandoutput. Policy Configuration Example Policy Configuration Example This section presents a college-based policy configuration example. Refer to page Configuring RIP 21-1 Configuring IRDP 21-5 Configuring RIP Using RIP in Your Network The fixed switches support Routing Information Protocol (RIP) Version 1 and 2. For example: C5(su)->dir Images: ================================================================== Filename: c5-series_06.42.06.0008 Version: 06.42.06. This is useful for troubleshooting or problem solving when network management through the console port, telnet, or SSH is not feasible. Configuring LLDP Table 13-1 13-8 LLDP Configuration Commands (continued) Task Command Enable or disable transmitting and processing received LLDPDUs on a port or range of ports. Based on the exchanged BPDU information, the spanning tree algorithm selects one of the switches on the network as the root switch for the tree topology. Policy Configuration Overview Examples This example assigns a rule to policy profile 3 that will filter Ethernet II Type 1526 frames to VLAN 7: C5(su)->set policy rule 3 ether 1526 vlan 7 This example assigns a rule to policy profile 5 that will forward UDP packets from source port 45: C5(su)->set policy rule 5 udpsourceport 45 forward This example assigns a rule to policy profile 1 that will drop IP source traffic from IP address, UDP port 123. For example: A4(su)->show boot system Current system image to boot: a4-series_06.61.00.0026 Use the set boot system command to set the firmware image to be loaded at startup. Spanning Tree version Set to mstp (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol). 2. 8. set port inlinepower port-string {[admin {off | auto}] [priority {critical | high | low}] [type type]} admin Enables (auto) or disables (off) PoE on a port. For example, set logging local console enable would not execute without also specifying file enable or disable. The switch can enforce a password aging interval on a per-user basis (set system login aging). The trap generation will be done using the Enterasys Syslog Client MIB notification etsysSyslogSecureLogDroppedMsgNotification. Neighbor Discovery Overview There are two primary LLDP-MED device types (as shown in Figure 13-2 on page 13-5): 13-4 Network connectivity devices, which are LAN access devices such as LAN switch/routers, bridges, repeaters, wireless access points, or any device that supports the IEEE 802.1AB and MED extensions defined by the standard and can relay IEEE 802 frames via any method. Step 10. DHCP Configuration C5(su)->router(Config)#exit C5(su)->router#exit C5(su)->router>exit C5(su)->set dhcp enable C5(su)->set dhcp pool autopool2 network Managing and Displaying DHCP Server Parameters Table 4-6 lists additional DHCP server tasks. For both DVMRP and PIM-SM for IPv4 to operate, IGMP must be enabled. The information about Power over Ethernet (PoE) applies only to fixed switching platforms that provide PoE support. The two switches are connected to one another with a high speed link. IP-directed broadcasts Disabled. VRRP is available only on those fixed switch platforms that support advanced routing and on which an advanced feature license has been enabled. User Account Overview Procedure 5-2 Configuring a New Super-User / Emergency Access User Account Step Task Command(s) 4. Configure an RMON filter entry. Policy Configuration Example Configuring Guest Policy on Edge Platforms All edge ports will be set with a default guest policy using the set policy port command. Note: For security, you may wish to disable Telnet and only use SSH. Configuring PoE Stackable A4, B3, and C3 Devices Procedure 7-1 PoE Configuration for Stackable A4, B3, and C3 Devices Step Task Command(s) 1. When Router R1 comes up again, it would take over as master, and Router R2 would revert to backup. Up to 5 TACACS+ servers can be configured, with the index value of 1 having the highest priority. Disable WebView and show the current state. Basic Network Monitoring Features 18-1 RMON 18-5 sFlow 18-9 Basic Network Monitoring Features Console/Telnet History Buffer The history buffer lets you recall your previous CLI input. no access-list acl-number [entryno [entryno]] Example The following example creates an IPv4 extended ACL and associates it with VLAN 100. interface vlan vlan-id 2. set port vlan port-string vlan-id no shutdown ip address ip-addr ip-mask 3. show snmp engineid Display SNMP group information. The MST region presents itself to the rest of the network as a single device, which simplifies administration. User logs in via console <164>Apr 21 08:44:13 10.27.12. Advanced Configuration Overview Procedure 4-1 contains the steps to assign an IP address and configure basic system parameters. Select none to allow all frames to pass through. Upon receipt, the RADIUS client software will calculate its own authenticator response using the information that was passed in the MS-CHAP2-Response attribute and the user's passed clear text password. The hosts are configured to use as the default route. This requires a minimum of two twisted pairs for a single physical link. Link Aggregation Overview Because port 6 has both a different speed and a higher priority than the port with the lowest priority in the LAG, it is not moved to the attached state. Creating and enabling VLANs. Table 13-2 LLDP Show Commands Task Command Display LLDP configuration information. Since MAC-based authentication authenticates the device, not the user, and is subject to MAC address spoofing attacks, it should not be considered a secure authentication method. Interpreting Messages For more information on how to configure these basic settings, refer to Syslog Command Precedence on page 14-8, and the Configuration Examples on page 14-12. Thisexampleshowshowtodisplayinformationaboutallswitchunitsinthestack: Thisexampleshowshowtodisplayinformationaboutswitchunit1inthestack: Thisexampleshowshowtodisplaystatusinformationforswitchunit1inthestack: Usethiscommandtodisplayinformationaboutsupportedswitchtypesinthestack. Configuring ACLs Procedure 24-1 Configuring IPv4 Standard and Extended ACLs (continued) Step Task Command(s) 6. Service ACLs Restricting Management Access to the Console Port You can restrict access to system management to the switchs serial port only. Configuring RIP Configure a RIP authentication key for use on the interface. Spanning Tree Basics that port will be selected as root. with the switch, but you must provide your own RJ45 to RJ45 straight-through console cable. It assumes that you have gathered the necessary TACACS+ server information, such as the servers IP address, the TCP port to use, shared secret, the authorization service name, and access level attribute-value pairs. Refer to the CLI Reference for your platform for details about the commands listed below. Understanding and Configuring Loop Protect Enabling or Disabling Loop Protect Event Notifications Loop Protect traps are sent when a Loop Protect event occurs, that is, when a port goes to listening due to not receiving BPDUs. CoS Hardware Resource Configuration Inbound Rate Limiting Port Configuration Entries ---------------------------------------------------------------------Port Group Name : Port Group :1 Port Type :0 Assigned Ports :ge.1. If authentication fails, the guest policy is used. Licensing Procedure in a Stack Environment. set ipsec encryption {3des | aes128 | aes192 | aes256} 4. Configuration Guide Firmware 6.61.xx and Higher. Each area has its own link-state database. ThisexampleshowshowtodisplayallOSPFrelatedinformationfortheVLAN6interface: Tabl e 209providesanexplanationoftheshowippimsminterfacevlancommandoutput. Ctrl+H Delete character to left of cursor. 2. Whether the switch enforces aging of system passwords. The highest valid port number is dependent on the number of ports in the device and the port type. Enable DHCP snooping globally on the switch. show port status [port-string] Display port counter statistics detailing traffic through the device and through all MIB2 network devices. IPv6 Routing Configuration Procedure 25-4 Configuring Static Routers Step Task Command(s) 1. Hardware troubleshooting and replace when it was necessary.
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